Prime numbers number Calculator tool

Number :

Composite number (also known as a Composite number) is a positive integer number greater than 1 that satisfies any of the following (equivalent) conditions:

1, is the product of two integer numbers greater than 1;

2, have at least three positive divisor (factor);

3, there is at least one prime factor non-prime number.

4, the product of two or more prime numbers can form one combined number, and only one combined number can be formed. Conversely, one combination number can be split into a set of prime-number products and only a set of prime-number products.

5, except for 1 is not the prime number is an integer number is a number.

, there are other positive divisor numbers besides 1 and itself

Note: "0" and "1" are neither prime numbers nor compound numbers.

Only 1 and its own two positive divisor Nature number, called prime number (or prime number). (For example, 2÷1=2, 2÷2=1, 2's divisor has only two approximate numbers of 1 and itself 2, so 2 is the prime number. The opposite of and is a combination number: "There are divisor numbers other than 1 and its own two divisor numbers, called a combination number." For example: 4÷1=4, 4÷2=2, 4÷4=1, it is clear that 4's divisor has divisor 2 in addition to 1 and 4 itself, so 4 is a combined number.

100 has 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 in the endoplasmic number, and there are 25 endoplasmic numbers in 100.