8051 Timing meter number Calculator tool

Clock period Megahertz (mhz)
Required timer run time (DRT) Milliseconds (mSec)
timing task standard 12 time cycle strengthen 6 clock cycle time
Single timer
1 / (mhz/12)

1 / (mhz/6)
8-bit Timing meter number
TIC12 * 256 / 1000

TIC6 * 256 / 1000
16-bit Timing meter number
TIC12 * 65536 / 1000

TIC6 * 65536 / 1000
8-bit recalculation number value
256 - (DRT / TIC12 * 1000)

256 - (DRT / TIC6 * 1000)
16-bit recount number value
65536 - (DRT / TIC12 * 1000)

65536 - (DRT / TIC6 * 1000)

Mode 0 is the 13-bit Timing meter number mode, mode 1 is the 16-bit Timing meter number mode (the most commonly used mode), mode 2 is the 8-bit auto reinstallation initial value counting number mode, mode 3 is only applicable to T0. Split the 16-bit T0 into two 8-bit Timing meter numbers