RGB to hexadecimal color Calculator tool


rgb number value is 16 times HEX first plus HEX second, Number 10 RGB and HEX both are the same, the difference is that HEX is two digits of number, in the front of the 0 can be added, 10 corresponds to A, 11 corresponds to B, 12 corresponds to C, 13 corresponds to D, 14 corresponds to E, 15 corresponds to F, the following example to illustrate the RGB to HEX conversion method

Example 1:rgb(11,111,222)=#??????

11÷16=0 remaining 11 11 corresponds to 0 before B then HEX number is 0B

111÷16=6 remainder 15 15 corresponds to F then HEX number is 6F

222÷16=13 remainder 14 13 corresponds to D 14 corresponds to E then HEX number is DE

The combined HEX number data is #0B6FDE