Moment of inertia Calculator tool

Quality : (lbm,kg)
Particle and axis of rotation Vertical distance : (ft,m)
Moment of inertiaI:

In classical mechanics, the Moment of inertia (also known as Quality moment of inertia) is usually expressed in I, SI unit is kg * m2, which can be said to be the inertia of one object for rotating motion. For a Particle, I = mr^2, where m is its Quality and r is its Particle and axis of rotation Vertical distance. The role of Moment of inertia in rotation dynamics is equivalent to the Quality in biometrics dynamics, describing the relationship between a number of quantities such as angular momentum, angular speed, torque and angular acceleration.

formulas Use :

Moment of inertia = M * D2

M = Quality

D = Particle and axis of rotation Vertical distance