2 Unknown Calculator

Equation form : aX + bY = c

Equation 1) a= b= c=

Equation 2) a= b= c=


Input must be in the form: aX + bY = c

With these equations:
2X + 3Y = 12
3X - 4Y = 1
you would enter:
Equation 1) 2 3 12
Equation 2) 3 - 4 1

Click E N T E R for the answers: X=3 Y=2

2 unknown calculation is made easier. Here you can find 2 equations 2 unknowns solver, three equations three unknowns calculator, 3 equations 3 unknowns, system of equations calculator, solve three equations three unknowns, solving for 2 variables calculator, 3 equation solver, 3 simultaneous equation solver.