Cube 3rd Radical online Calculator Tool
one number x cube be tantamount to a, < P > One number x cube be tantamount to a, hypotenuse (math.) be tantamount to a(x^3=a), Three x progression multiply be tantamount to a, then the number x is called a cube radical (cube root), also called three cube root (math.).
any number has and has only three cube radicals, they are evenly distributed on the circle center with the origin as the center, the arithmetic radical is the radius circle, and the corresponding points of the three cube radicals form a positive trigonometric. Properties of cube radicals: (1) any number that is not 0 has 3 cube radicals. (2) 0 cube radical is 0. Generally, one number X cube be tantamount to a, then the number X is called a cube radical (cube root, also called three cube root (math.)). in other words, x3=a, then x is called a cube radical. 0 is 0 cube radical.