Logarithm Calculator tool

Log  ^   = 

an hypotenuse (math.) be tantamount to x (a>0 and a does not be tantamount to 1), then Number n is called base x logarithms (logarithm) on a, denote n=logax. where a is called logarithms Base , x is called truth number and n is called "base x logarithms on a". logarithms Base , x is called the true number, and n is called "base x logarithms on a".

In particular, we call logarithms with base 10 use logarithms (common logarithm) and write lg.

We call logarithms with irrational numbers base n=logax.

We call logarithms based on irrational numbers e (e=2.71828...)

The logarithms with irrational number e (e=2.71828...) are called Nature logarithms (natural logarithm) and are denoted as ln.

Zero has no logarithms.

Zero has no logarithms.

Zero has no logarithms.